

We are proud of our employees who have chosen to grow with us.

RAPID started as a company inspired by a powerful sense of enterprise. The commitment to purpose runs throughout the business and extends to taking care of the family. Many of the employees who will state with the company to be chosen to stay and grown to become directors and partners. Expecting they will work hard, contributed to the success and in a sense will become part of the largest RAPID family. This “family” takes care of its own during difficult times and shares together in the good times. Through many varied social programs it also reaches out to the greater society. RAPID is proud of our heritage, the business we have built and the employees who have chosen to grow with us.


We are proud of our employees who have chosen to grow with us.

The factory house is a compliant shed and we provide an excellent work environment that includes sanitation, ventilation and natural lighting. RAPID believes in education and provides all employees with free health, hygiene, education program and medical. Benefits include access to staff doctors, medicine and a women’s health clinic sponsored by an international NGO. Safety program and routine drill have provided that the facilities and employees are capable of dealing with emergencies with more efficiency than required by international agencies. In terms of compliance and customer requirements, RAPID has always been proactive in taking care of its own family and outside encouragement has never been necessary.
We are giving the following benefits to the workers:

  • Festival bonus
  • Attendance bonus
  • Full time doctor
  • Full time nurse
  • Free medicine supply
  • Agreement with K.C Hospital
  • Welfare fund
  • Blood donation scheme
  • Group Insurance
  • We have appointed consultant for training on process re-engineering which helps to improve workers efficiency and quality of the work.

    Always first priority

  • Prompt response
  • Competitive price offer
  • Innovative and higher quality products
  • Response to fashion trends
  • On time delivery
  • Shorten turn around/ lead time
  • Long term relationship

    1. Generator- Standby-Capacity to take full factory load continues production & Keep un-interrupted power supply.